
- Adjusted the calculation for the weapon performance category score.
【CS:GO 360数据】
- 调整了武器发挥分类得分的算法;
- Fixed a case where players would receive duplicate warnings about launching in untrusted mode.
- 修复了一个错误,该错误会使玩家重复收到在不受信任模式下启动的警告;
- Implemented Cubby 2.0 in mid connector to A, to remove cheap shoulder angle towards site.
- Slimmed down the fancy rock, also in mid connector to A.
- Sparsed foliage and improved clipping on boost planter near A main.
- Quieted down soundscape birds.
- Removed clipping from top of bombsite sign in A site, allowing you to self-boost to planter by T main.
- Added vphysics clip to T spawn water so guns don’t fully submerge.
- So many clip brush tweaks.
- Blocked grenades from entering inaccessible building by T entrance to mid.
- Blocked pixelgaps through scaffolding near B site.
- Blocked pixelgaps through doorway trim in new CT path to A site.
- Simplified grenade collision on rooftops.
- General optimizations.
- 将中路至A连接的墙角改为2.0版本,以去除朝向A包点的肩位角度;
- 减小了中路至A连接的岩石模型的大小;
- 减少了A大附近的树叶,并提升了双架位的碰撞体积;
- 降低了背景鸟叫声的音量;
- 去除了A包点标志牌上方的碰撞体积,以便单人从T方向跳上平台;
- 在T出生点水域增加碰撞体积,避免枪械沉入水中;
- 多处碰撞体积调整;
- 阻止了从T入口向中路投掷的道具掉进无法进入的建筑的情况;
- 修复了B包点附近脚手架的像素间隙;
- 修复了CT通往A包点新路线门口的像素间隙;
- 简化了屋顶的投掷物碰撞体积;
- 一些基本优化;
- Made wall on A long surfable.
- Fixed invisible wall near B site.
- Fixed out of map boost near A site.
- Fixed collision of wall near A site.
- Fixed collision of pillars around A site.
- Minor art updates around T spawn.
- 将A大的墙壁改为可以滑翔;
- 修复了B包点附近的隐形墙壁;
- 修复了A包点附近双架到地图外的点位;
- 修复了A包点附近墙壁的碰撞体积;
- 修复了A包点周围立柱的碰撞体积;
- 一些T出生点周围的外观更新;
- Fixed a regression with airdrops.
- Fixed stuck spots (thanks Jakob & conzept)
- Fixed a gap in terrain.
- Reworked watchtower models.
- 修复了空投不掉落的错误;
- 修复了一些卡住的点位(感谢Jakob和conzept)
- 修复了地形中的一个缺口;
- 重制了瞭望塔的模型。